About the DAF Museum
A museum to spend hours in
A tour of the DAF Museum will take visitors from one surprise to the next. The inventiveness that has been characteristic for DAF vehicles from 1928 till the present day will even captivate visitors who have no special knowledge of the subject.

The ground floor accommodates a pleasant village square, with shops from the 1930s, a welcoming pub, a period garage and, not to be forgotten, a replica of the Van Doornes' office. From here you can stroll around the museum to discover the many aspects of the DAF product.Milestones
The trucks are displayed downstairs and special attention is paid to the milestones in DAF's history. A special section is devoted to engines and it gives a good idea of the developments that have taken place over the years.Collection
The upstairs gallery holds an extraordinary collection of cars, among which a number of interesting prototypes that were not taken into production.Mission
The DAF Museum shows visitors young and old how a small blacksmith’s shop in 1928 could develop into a leading truck manufacturer. The many cars, trailers, buses and trucks on display are witness to DAF’s rich heritage. There are more than 170 volunteers who are happy to introduce visitors to the exhibits. They are proud to convey the family culture which makes the museum to a place that welcomes guests that come for private visits, business or educational meetings.
The DAF Museum wants to be one of the best destinations for a day trip in the Netherlands. Continuous improvement and innovation ensure that the museum follows in the footsteps of DAF founders Hub and Wim van Doorne. The DAF Museum wants to share the rich history of the DAF company with its guests and leave them in awe and amazement. All our guests and those who come on business must have a great time in the museum.